Saturday, 30 January 2010

Secession: A Realistic Ideal

I advocate secession on several grounds. The first and perhaps most important is that the old nation-states no longer are capable of pursuing their essential function, which is to safeguard the common interests of the White people. The homogenous white nation-states which existed until after World War 2 has vanished under a sea of multi-racial immigration and parliament is dominated by parties bought and sold by special interests inimical to the interests of white people of the British Isles. The UK is no longer a nation-state but a multi-racial state.

It is ultimately naive to think that nationalists can put the toothpaste back into the tube and restore the United Kingdom as it existed before the sailing of the Windrush. The demographic transformation of Britain is proceeding at a rapid pace as more non-white immigrants add to the non-white tally everyday: White Britons may be in the majority today but in the not to distance future points to a demographic eclipse within a generation.

The second major problem is the utter lack of power that nationalists currently possess and the prospects of changing this. The BNP is talked up about making steady gains that will ultimately result in victory but at its current pace whites will be politically eclipsed before the BNP actually has enough MP's elected to form a government: At present the BNP is currently rubbing its hands in glee at the possibility of gaining its first seat in Barking this year, perhaps it will but it will still require the election of a further 322 MP's to be the majority party in government.

It would be a far better strategy for nationalists to concentrate on carving off a white slice of the British isles to create an independent white homeland. In the United States there are a number of nationalists calling for the creation of an independent white homeland in the Pacific Nort-West out of the whitest states of the Union. Nationalists in the UK should advocate the break up of the multi-racial state and the creation of a white homeland within the British Isles for example in North-East England, one of the Whitest areas of England. This strategy is the most pragmatic dealing with the realities of the power of enemies and avoids the messy problems in removing millions of non-whites who have colonised vast swathes of Britain.

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