Sunday, 3 January 2010

BNP favours death penalty for victimless crimes

Just as I thought I was being a bit excessive in shining a light of the authoritarian character of the BNP, another article has been penned applauding the execution of a nominally 'British' drug mule in China.

One can of course give the BNP credit for their blunt honesty when the say:

"The Chinese government has shown the world how to deal with drug pushers by ignoring liberal bleating and executing convicted drug-smuggler Akmal Shaikh — a punishment which should be mandatory everywhere for that crime."

Certainly the BNP does make a valid point in asking why the British Media gave more coverage to a globe trotting Pakistani drug smuggler and in rubbishing the claims of mental illness. Funny how the Left suddenly discovers HBD whenever a convicted criminal is executed. Indeed why does Gordon Brown fly into a torrent of denouncement at someone so small fry as Akmal Shaikh and not the continued occupation of Tibet.

That said the judicial murder of Akmal Shaikh was an appalling crime and the BNP should be ashamed of itself for gloating over the death of a man who had committed a victimless crime. The NLF's policy is to legalise all currently proscribed substances and remove the chaotic black market in drugs which is the real cause of the drug problem.

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