Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Repatriation: An Idea who's time has passed

For most nationalists the race problem can be quite easily solved through a policy of repatriation. Older Nationalists groups have advocated a policy of compulsory repatriation for all non-whites in Britain. This might have been appropriate in the sixties and seventies when the non-white population was small and mostly comprised of immigrants. They had chosen to immigrate despite the angry objection of the British people and it would have been perfectly fair to insist that the trespassers leave. Had such people been ejected there and then before they had put down roots it would have been just.

Today, however, there remains the big fact that a large bulk of the non-white population in Britain has actually been born in this country. They are not responsible for what their parents did and indeed their parents have probably lived in their new country for most of their lives. It is immoral to force non-whites who have lived in this country for 40 years to go 'home' when the unfortunate truth of the matter is their home is now Britain. For their children they know no other home.

Acknowledging this reality, many nationalists have advocated a policy of voluntary repatriation. By giving immigrants financial incentives the reasoning goes they will voluntarily leave to go live in the non-white 3rd world. Certainly some would take the cash and leave - an Indian or Chinese professional might well take the cash - but would an uneducated Pakistani or Somalian agree to leave the land of milk and honey for a land of poverty and corruption. For many non-whites the monetary reward of voluntary agreeing to go back to the old country would have to be greater than what they can expect to receive by staying put.

In order to truly persuade everyone to leave it would be the equivalent of atleast buying a house for each non-white family. It would run into many billions and be financially crippling for the White taxpayers who would have to finance it on top of the many other government services they are squezed to support. This is an estimate which assumes that the non-white population at today's level - It may be many years before a nationalist group assumes power and it would likely inherit a stagnant debt-ridden economy. 90% of the population paying for 10% to leave will be financially very painful. 60% of the population paying for the other 40% to leave would be simply impossible.

It would realistically take several generations to turn back the clock and during this time many things could happen. Whites would continue to demographic death spiral in the wake of supporting a massive non-white population. An 'anti-racist' faction might get back into power and re-open the borders spoiling the work of a decade in a few months.

The commitment to repatriation is not a policy advocated with any sense of realism. It is rather endemic of a nostalgic desire to turn back the clock and return to an age where the British Isles was 100% white. British whites cannot command the resources to persuade all non-whites to leave and to remove them all by force is morally unthinkable. A Nationalist movement must come to terms with the fact that they cannot turn back the clock and that the non-whites have made the British-Nation State as it presently exists is unviable. In future posts we will look at Federalism and Secession as viable alternative models to the current Nation-State.

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